@article{oai:seisen-jc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000628, author = {山崎, 晃史}, issue = {20}, journal = {清泉女学院大学人間学部研究紀要, Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Studies Seisen Jogakuin College}, month = {Mar}, note = {Ryoichi Ishii is famous for founding Takinogawa Gakuen that was the first school for children with intellectual disabilities in modern Japan (Meiji period). This study analyzes how he became a Christian and clarifies the characteristics of his life of faith. The factors that led him to become a Christian are as follows: (1) Ryoichi started to carefully explore Christianity after learning the concept of “sinner” from senior Christian students. (2) He was greatly influenced by the students’ community of the college (Rikkyo University). (3) Encounter with Bishop C. M. Williams was rather an indirect influence on him becoming a Christian. The characteristics of his life of faith are described as follows: (1) He practiced in faithful response to Jesus’ words of “Just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” (2) He cherished daily worship services in the chapel. (3) His faith and practice were supported by the bonds of the Christian community. In conclusion, Ryoichi’s total trust in God was led and supported by the Christian community more than that was previously believed.}, pages = {27--46}, title = {石井亮一にとってのキリスト教信仰 -- 入信経緯と信仰生活およびそれらを支えたキリスト者コミュニティ}, year = {2023} }