@article{oai:seisen-jc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000527, author = {岡本, かおり and 齋藤, 梓 and 大竹, 裕子}, issue = {17}, journal = {清泉女学院大学人間学部研究紀要, Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Studies Seisen Jogakuin College}, month = {Mar}, note = {To clarify how victims of sexual violence consulted and reported the assault to the police, interviews were conducted with 31 survivors of sexual assault. Essential to survivors who reported the assault to the police and filed criminal proceedings were the determination and perseverance to report the crime, the willingness to express distress and receive support, and a strong sense of ethics and mission. We make the following suggestions to reduce the burden on victims who consult the police and file criminal proceedings. 1. Persons involved in handling criminal proceedings should take care not to cause secondary damage to the victim. 2. Persons who the victim consult should not impose incorrect information or his/her opinion on the victim. Appropriate information should be provided to the victim to support the victim's self-decision. 3. Information should be widely disseminated about what sexual violence is, what can be done after the assault (for recovery), and support organizations.}, pages = {25--49}, title = {性暴力被害の警察届出をめぐる被害当事者の思い-被害当事者へのインタビュー調査に基づく検討-}, year = {2020} }