@article{oai:seisen-jc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000408, author = {籔田, 由己子 and 飯野, 厚 and 中村, 洋一}, issue = {32}, journal = {清泉女学院短期大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Seisenjogakuin Junior College}, month = {Mar}, note = {40020050107, This study investigated Eiken Speaking Test and examined the following three relationships: 1) Relationships between test tasks and total score of speaking test, 2) Relationships among test tasks, and 3) Relationships between test tasks and overall English proficiency. Regarding the relationship between the test tasks and the total score of the speaking test, we found that reading aloud and open-ended questions are related to the total score of the speaking test. As for the relationships among the test tasks, it could be said that the picture description task is a unique one in the Eiken Speaking Test. On the relationship between the test tasks and overall English proficiency, the results indicate a relationship between Eiken Speaking Test and CASEC test, and importance of listening skills in the speaking test. Based on these findings, we constructed the hypothetical model to show explain speaking ability as follows: speaking ability = listening comprehension + linguistic knowledge + reading aloud + idea expression.}, pages = {45--55}, title = {スピーキングテストにおけるタスク間の関係性 : 英検スピーキングテストの場合}, year = {2014} }