@article{oai:seisen-jc.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000014, author = {村尾, 静二}, issue = {21}, journal = {清泉女学院大学人間学部研究紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {In this paper, I will reflect on my own experience of introducing fieldwork into classes, summarize and clarify the process as a record, and then consider what kind of significance and challenges there are in this kind of practical class. The purpose is to What I will specifically discuss here is my experience when I participated as a class in a historical festival held in the Kinasa area of Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture in 2022. While students participated in traditional festivals in the local community and learned about the history of the local community, it was also an opportunity to experience cultural issues that the local community is currently facing. The festival has been compiled into a video work to be shared with local residents, and is also displayed and managed as archival material at a local museum for the future of the local community.}, pages = {153--165}, title = {大学教育におけるフィールドワークの導入と課題 -- 長野市鬼無里における祭礼への参加を事例として}, year = {2024} }